Foundation For Jewish Diversity
State of California Foundation -
United States Government Federal I.D.
#EIN 94-3490306 501(c)3
1875 Century Park East, Ste 700,
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tel 310 284 3133 Fax 310 284 3135
“The Future of Sephardic Identity: Film and Interactive Discussion"
You're Sephardic or you think you might be. What does that mean? For many, their identity provides a link to the past. But is it important moving forward? Join the Seattle Sephardic Network for the premiere of a short documentary, "Journey from Tunisia,"by local Sephardic filmmaker Jonathan Maimon.
In this film, Maimon examines the journey of his family from Tunisia to Israel. It explores a personal history, the upheaval of centuries of roots for Jews and their Arab neighbors in North Africa, and the forming of new roots in a newly created Israel. Through his film, Maimon entrusts us with the spell-binding story of his Sephardic grandparents from emigration to immigration, encompassing loss, disappointment, and adaptation.
The half-hour film will be followed by an interactive discussion with a diversity of voices on what the future of Sephardic identity could - and perhaps should - be. This is an evening not to be missed!
Sephardic desserts, coffee and tea served. Dietary restrictions observed.
Thursday, Jan. 11, 2018 - 7:30 to 9 PM
Mt Baker Rowing & Sailing Center
Tickets $5 each through Eventbrite: http://bit.ly/2Bu0UQ5
Please RSVP
Maimonides Heritage Center Hosts the seventh Annual Conference on the Life and Legacy of Maimonides In Tiberias
On January 15-17 over 650 people from every corner of Israel attended the 2016 conference in Tiberias celebrating the life and legacy of the Great Eagle the medieval Talmudist, philosopher and doctor Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, Maimonides.
The impressive list of speakers and dignitaries included Professor Eliezer Shlossberg, from Bar Ilan University, Dr. Gil Yoseph-Shachar head of the Maimonides Hospital in Haifa and the renowned Dr. Mordechai Halperin Shaare Zedek Hospital. Mayor Yossi Ben David welcomed the attendees and Professor Eitiel Bar Levi, Head of the Ministry of Education gave a Key Note address.
Rabbi Yamin Levy, Founder of the Maimonides Heritage Center could not attend this year's conference due to obligations in New York. His remarks were skyped to the conference from his New York office.
Rabbi Levy welcomed all the guests, lecturers and dignitaries. He expressed special gratitude to Rabbi Haim Fogel Director of MHC Israel and to all the supporters of the Organization.
Rabbi Levy also voiced his continued belief that today more than ever we need to embrace HaRambam's worldview. If the Jewish people are to really become "A light unto the nations" we need to embrace a religious ethical Judaism that includes the study of philosophy and science. along side the study of Torah.