Foundation For Jewish Diversity
State of California Foundation -
United States Government Federal I.D.
#EIN 94-3490306 501(c)3
1875 Century Park East, Ste 700,
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tel 310 284 3133 Fax 310 284 3135
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If you are interested in attending events connected to Sephardic or Mizrachi culture, you are at the right place. If you know far enough in advance, you can plan a trip to participate in an event. Whether you are in California, New York, Israel, France, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, or the Balkans, there is always something happening.
If this is your free day, see what's happening in your area
Find out where you can volunteer to find and meet Sephardic and Mizrachi senior citizens!
Check out the latest Judeo-Spanish class in your area See what is offered in your area about relevant language and university classes.
Sephardic Jewry
This is the place to find out about events connected to Jews of Spanish and Portuguese origin.
Eastern (MIzrachi) Jewry
Here you will be able to connect to events on Jewish culture from North Africa, Arab lands, Ethiopia, Syria and Lebanon, Persian lands from Iran to Afghanistan to Uzbekistan to the Caucuses, and continuing with Iraqi Jewry and its diaspora in the Far East. become acquainted with Jewish culture from Georgia, Central Asia, and throughout the diverse Jewish groups of Indian origin!
Conferences and Festivals– 2018
We are happy to invite you to take part in the Seventh International Conference of the Society for Sefardic Studies on From al-Andalus to Exile and the Sefardic Diaspora (more information in the attached documents).
Anyone wishing to participate in the conference, is asked to send a few lines about his/her lecture by June 10. In addition, a brief summary on the subject + title should be sent by the end of June.
Conferences or concerts are planned months and years ahead. Here you will be able to find out about fascinating and meaningful events. Don't miss out. Please stayed tune to find out what you can attend in the future!
Do you like Ladino, Greek, Arabic, or Persian Jewish music? Look here to find the next scheduled concert. You can also enquire where to get on the web or how to order DVDS throughout the world.
Find out what exhibits are in your area on Sepharadic and Mizrahi Jewry.
You might consider the Brazilian film, O judeu (The Jew), dir. Jom Tob Azulay (1996), which is based on the historical case of the Brazilian-born intellectual and playwright Antônio José da Silva (1705-1739), accused as a Judaizer and who was put to death by the Inquisition of Portugal. Note, however, that the film focuses less on Latin America/Brazil than it does on the political and ideological struggles within the kingdom of Portugal, especially t
he convoluted relationships between the Inquisition and the monarchy of João V. It’s also quite graphic (scenes of inquisitorial torture, etc.).
Are you interested in learning about or viewing the latest films on Sephardim and Eastern Jews. Whether you are in the USA, Israel, France, Turkey, or Argentina, you can connect!
UCLA Center for Jewish Studies invites applications for the Viterbi Visiting Professorship in Mediterranean Jewish Studies during the 2015-16 academic year