Foundation For Jewish Diversity
State of California Foundation -
United States Government Federal I.D.
#EIN 94-3490306 501(c)3
1875 Century Park East, Ste 700,
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tel 310 284 3133 Fax 310 284 3135
donations welcome
We are a U.S. 501(c)3 tax exempt organization solely based on volunteers who deeply appreciate the support, emotional, spiritual and charitable, of the general community. If you feel able please donate:
Foundation For Jewish Diversity
State of California Foundation - #3114965
United States Government Federal I.D. #EIN 94-3490306 501(c)3
1875 Century Park East, Ste 700, Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tel 310 284 3133 Fax 310 284 3135
הבית למורשת קהילות ספרד והמזרח
(ע"ר) מס' עמותה 580537827
ת"ד 10642, ירושלים 91102.
טל: 054-4870316, 02-5795595
פקס: 02-5337459
בנק הדואר חשבון מס' 08415649
ניתן לשלוח תרומות לכתובת הנ"ל או דרך חשבון העמותה בבנק הדואר.
Chief Executive Officer – Prof. Yitzchak Kerem
Chief Financial Officer – Arthur Benveniste
Secretary – Jane Yang
Board Members:
Prof. Yitzchak Kerem - historian on Sephardic and Eastern Jewry
Jane Yang – C.P.A., Commercial Scientific, Los Angeles, & former head of Economic Dept.,
Shanghai Municipality, Shanghai, China.
Arthur Benveniste – Editor of Halapid journal on anusim (Crypto-Jews), and Los Angeles-born
Sephardi Jew from Benveniste family of Rhodes, Venice, California
Prof. Yona Sabar – Linguist of Kurdish Jewry, UCLA
Dr. Ioannis Kostoulas - Greek retired aeronautical engineer, Redondo Beach, California
Penina Meghnagi Solomon – Libyan Jewess, Studio City, California
Jane Yang
Commercial Scientific Corporation
1875 Century Park East, Ste 700,
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tel 310 284 3133 Fax 310 284 3135
Attn. Jack R. Willis
7095 Hollywood Blvd.
Suite 806
Hollywood, CA 90028
Tel: 1-323-876-4700
FAX: 1-323-372-2212